Praise Reports
"We give God the glory for the natural birth of two babies. The two pregnant ladies whose babies were past due had been scheduled for c-sections the next day. The church prayed, and to the glory of God the scheduled c-sections were no longer needed as the Lord had His way. " - August 2020
"A request was brought up on our prayer line for a specific job position to be made available. God definitely came through as Jehovah Nissi and that particular job that was desired was granted to our sister's son out of a group of competitive applicants. All thanks to the Lord Most High who makes everything beautiful in its time." - September 2021
"During our prayer and fasting period, one of our sisters had a personal prayer topic concerning a foreclosure that she was going through. She said that every day she joined the prayer line, and kept putting this particular topic before God and believed in His faithfulness. The Lawyer of all lawyers was on her side and she found favor with the judge. We serve a Good God." - October 2021