The Choice to be Exceptional like Daniel
Published by :- Naa Ashardey Ntim-Awuku (Mrs)
August 30, 2020
Scripture : Daniel 1: 3-20
We currently live in a world or society where sometimes wrong is supported and right is shunned. And as Christian youth we may find ourselves entangled in such a situation, knowing what is right and being ridiculed for doing so. Daniel and the three other young men could have decided to enjoy the royal food and wine but they had a resolution (they were determined about one thing). Do we sometimes have resolutions and find ourselves tweaking them a bit or even pushing them totally under the rug so we can go with what everyone else around us is doing? More than likely we would have rushed for the royal food and wine especially when everyone regards that and hails it so much. When we resolve to do or not do something, no matter how bad or good things around us may seem, we stay confident in our decision. Daniel and the other young men were confident in their decision because they knew in whom they had believed and they were unwavering in the faithfulness of God. We need to seek the Lord's instruction and depend on His Word for how we should live our lives for His glory. Although it may seem like we are going against the tide of the society in doing what God expects of us, we should continue to rely on God for strength and not give in to pressure. No temptation has seized us, and God is faithful and will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. But when tempted, he will provide a way so we can endure it(1 Corinthians 10:13).
Excerpts from The Purpose-Driven Life
Compiled by :- Naa Ashardey Ntim-Awuku (Mrs)
August 25, 2020
1. Our purpose on this earth must begin with God. We were born by His purpose and for His purpose.
2. Discovering our purpose is not speculation. It actually more has to do with revelation. To discover your purpose in life, you must turn to God's Word, not the world's best guesses.
3. Without God, life makes no sense.
4. Some children may be unplanned by their parents, but they are not unplanned by God.
5. Unfortunately, those who follow the crowd get lost in it ... one key to failure is to try to please everyone
6. Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason.
7. Purpose always produces passion ... On the other hand, passion dissipates when you lack a purpose.
8. Your perspective will influence how you invest your time, spend your money, use your talents and value your relationships. We need to see life from God's view.
9. When anything in creation fulfills its purpose, it brings glory to God.
Virtual Youth Service (Bishop Tweneboah)
Recorded by :- VBCI - Holy Ghost Sanctuary Youth
August 16, 2020
In-depth teaching on how we as youth will be convinced that we are known by the LORD. Bishop Tweneboah explained the essence of being stable wherever we are planted and our ability to prove our love for God.
Recorded Video Message (please click image)